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Main » 2011 » September » 18 » Concept bike by Ford
Concept bike by Ford
If you're on the Frankfurt Motor Show, to penetrate the atmosphere that reigns in the halls, and suddenly saw a futuristic bike, do not worry, this is - part of the exhibition program automaker Ford.

Bike was nicknamed E-Bike and is a concept electric bike, which, by the assurance company will use in the not too distant future. Ford E-Bike has a frame made ​​of aluminum and carbon fiber, which has a weight of two and a half pounds.

The frame has a take-away steering Giant SLR Carbon 110mm and seat Selle Italia SLR XC. Also, a bicycle equipped with a manual transmission with eleven steps Shimano Alfine. It feeds on the motor bike with the front wheel, which produces 350W of power. Maximum speed of such a device would be 25 km / h.

Category: Concepts | Views: 1190 | Rating: 0.0/0
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