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Wednesday, 05.02.2025
Main » 2011 » September » 4 » Mahindra XUV500 2012
Mahindra XUV500 2012
Indian automaker Mahindra announced the launch of its first SUV, which was named XUV500 (pronounced "Five double oh)."

Company representatives say that the creation of car design was inspired by their car owners from around the world, including those who is acquired on the European markets, South Africa and, of course, India. The model will be the first SUV XUV500 from an Indian company, which will have a transverse engine, which hints at the possibility of front-wheel drive.

The company Mahindra said that they have a 60.5% market share in India, due to the fact that cars Bolero, Scorpio, and even Xylo was a huge success. Also, the new SUV will be immediately and in the U.S. market upon its release.

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