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Main » 2011 » September » 18 » Renault Frendzy
Renault Frendzy
At the 64th international exhibition of automobiles in Frankfurt presents a new style of Renault brand as an example the concept minivan Frendzy, who is also positioned as a passenger van and commercial van. This statement confirms asymmetric shape car.

Place in the cabin has been increased, mainly due to the absence of the central panel.

"We wanted to get away from the traditional format of commercial vehicles, and eventually did so, presenting a mixed type of the van, more emotional, dynamic and attractive. Served as a source of inspiration for such non-standard aircraft, like Airbus Beluga and Antonov 224 ", - said exterior designer Dejan Denko (Deyan Denkov).

As with the previous concept Renault DeZir, Frendzy minivan is all-electric car. Its power plant was borrowed from Kangoo Van ZE

Category: Concepts | Views: 1209 | Rating: 0.0/0
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